Amino acid type-selective 15N/ 1H correlations for 13C, 15N labeled proteins

I have to apologize that this site is not available sometimes.
Both the FU Berlin and the FMP Berlin made this site unavailable.
I am sorry. Now it is located at ETH.

The pulse programs (old Bruker DRX format, Xwinnmr 2.6) presented here are amino acid type-selective triple resonance experiments.

The pulse programs and experimental aspects are discussed in detail in our: publications 


All pulse programs have been tested and are in use by the authors. However, they are made available without any warranty. The authors or FMP are not liable for any potential damage that might be caused in connection with the pulse programs. The authors are grateful for reports of errors/bugs and any suggestions for improvements.

M. Schubert

In order to standardize the pulse programs they were modified by Dietmar Leitner. All pulse program names were changed, they start all with the letter B (for Berlin), some comments are added/corrected, some conventions for delays, increments, loop counters etc. are changed.

Pulse Programs

Experiment  Name  Gradient Program datasets  selective for  reference 
G (i+1)   B_g_i+1  ma5crushwtg  B_g_i+1  Gly   JMR 1999  
G (i,i+1)   B_g_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_g_i+1  Gly   JMR 1999  
A (i+1)   B_a_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_a_i+1  Ala   JMR 1999  
A (i,i+1)   B_a_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_a_ii+1  Ala   JMR 1999  
TA (i+1)   B_ta_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_ta_i+1  Thr and Ala   JMR 1999  
TA (i,i+1)   B_ta_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_ta_ii+1  Thr and Ala   JMR 1999  
N (i+1)   B_n_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_n_i+1  Asn   JMR 1999  
N (i,i+1)   B_n_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_n_ii+1  Asn   JMR 1999  
QN (i+1)   B_qn_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_qn_i+1  Gln and Asn   JMR 1999  
QN (i,i+1)   B_qn_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_qn_ii+1  Gln and Asn   JMR 1999  

P (i+1)   B_p_i+1  ma3crushwtg  B_p_i+1  Pro   JBioNMR 2000  
P (i-1)   B_p_i_1  ma3crushwtg  B_p_i-1  Pro   JBioNMR 2000  
P 15N (i)/ 1H(i+1)   b_p_i+1np  ma3crushwtg  B_p_i+1np  Pro   JBioNMR 2000  
P 15N (i)/ 1H(i-1)   b_p_i_1np  ma3crushwtg  B_p_i-1np  Pro   JBioNMR 2000  

S (i+1)   B_s_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_s_i+1  Ser   JMR 2001a  
S (i,i+1)   B_s_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_s_ii+1  Ser   JMR 2001a  
DNG (i+1)   B_dng_i+1  ma2crushwtg  B_dng_i+1  Asp, Asn and Gly   JMR 2001a  
DNG (i,i+1)   B_dng_ii+1  ma2crushwtg1  B_dng_ii+1  Asp, Asn and Gly   JMR 2001a  
EQG (i+1)   B_eqg_i+1  ma2crushwtg  B_eqg_i+1  Glu, Gln and Gly   JMR 2001a  
EQG (i,i+1)   B_eqg_ii+1  ma2crushwtg1  B_eqg_ii+1  Glu, Gln and Gly   JMR 2001a  
VIA (i+1)   B_via_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_via_i+1  Val, Ile and Ala   JMR 2001a  
VIA (i,i+1)   B_via_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_via_ii+1  Val, Ile and Ala   JMR 2001a  
LA (i+1)   B_la_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_la_i+1  Leu and Ala (weak Val)   JMR 2001a  
LA (i,i+1)   B_la_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_la_ii+1  Leu and Ala   JMR 2001a  

FYH (i+1)   B_fyh_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_fyh_i+1  Phe, Tyr and His   JMR 2001b  
FYH (i,i+1)   B_fyh_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_fyh_ii+1  Phe, Tyr and His   JMR 2001b  
W (i+1)   B_w_i+1  ma4crushwtg  B_w_i+1  Trp   JMR 2001b  
W (i,i+1)   B_w_ii+1  ma4crushwtg  B_w_ii+1  Trp   JMR 2001b  

R (i+1)   B_r_i+1  Bcrushwtg  B_r_i+1  Arg   JBioNMR 2001  
R (i,i+1)   B_r_ii+1  Bcrushwtg  B_r_ii+1  Arg   JBioNMR 2001  
KR (i+1)   B_kr_i+1  Bcrushwtg  B_kr_i+1  Lys and Arg   JBioNMR 2001  
K (i,i+1)   B_k_ii+1  Bcrushwtg  B_k_ii+1  Lys   JBioNMR 2001  

D (i+1)   B_d_i+1  ma4crushwtg    Asp   in preparation  
D (i,i+1)   B_d_ii+1  ma4crushwtg    Asp   in preparation  
ED (i+1)   B_ed_i+1  ma4crushwtg    Glu and Asp   in preparation  
E (i,i+1)   B_e_ii+1  ma4crushwtg    Glu   in preparation  
CS (i+1)   B_cs_i+1  ma4crushwtg    Cys and Ser   in preparation  
CS (i,i+1)   B_cs_ii+1  ma4crushwtg    Cys and Ser   in preparation  

incl. file Berlin.incl   

Conventions used in the pulse programs

Rectangular Pulses

Frequency  Flipangle  Name  Power Level  Decoupler
Power Level 
1 90/180  p1/p2  pl1:f1  pcpd1  pl19:f1 (cpd1:f1) 
15 90/180  p5/p6  pl3:f3  pcpd3  pl16:f3 (cpd3:f3) 

Shaped Pulses

Name  Exp  Power Level  Offset [Hz](600MHz)  Shape  Duration [us] (600MHz) 
p14  TA  sp14  3860  ps_reburp_256  1024 
p13  LA  sp13  -1220  ps_reburp_256  768 
p14  LA  sp14  -3710  ps_reburp_256  1024 
p16  LA  sp15  742  ps_reburp_256  1024 
p14  VIA  sp14  -2477  ps_reburp_256  768 
p14  sp14  2630  ps_reburp_256  2048 
p13  DNG,EQG  sp13  21416  ma_l0s2-0_64  512 
p14  DNG,EQG  sp14  21416  ma_l0s2-0i_64  512 
p13  FYH  sp13  13520  ma_l0s2-0_64  1024 
p14  FYH  sp14  13520  ma_l0s2-0i_64  1024 
p11  FYH  sp11  ps_square_128  72 (1.null) 
p13  sp13  8840  ma_l0s2-0_64  1024 
p14  sp14  8840  ma_l0s2-0i_64  1024 
p11  sp11  -2325  ps_square_128  72 (1.null) 
p11  sp11  ps_reburp_256  4096 
p11  sp11  -150  ps_reburp_256  4096 
p13  R,K  sp13  ma_l0s2-0_64  3072 
p14  R,K  sp14  ma_l0s2-0i_64  3072 
p15  R,K  sp15  -2427  ma_l0s2-0_64  3072 
p11  P-(i+1)  sp11  448  ps_reburp_256  1024 
p13  D,E  sp13  ps_reburp_256  409.8 
p14  sp14  -464  ps_reburp_256  2048 
p11  CS  sp11  19500  ps_reburp_256  1024 
p13  CS  sp13  11255  ps_reburp_256  640 
p14  CS  sp14  ps_reburp_256  409.8 

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Last modified November 26, 2001.